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Or we may follow a sport now that we used to play as a child.

Throughout this arsenic-life NASA saga, I’ve been trying to pinpoint the fundamental reasons to explain why this story got out of hand.  Why did NASA feel the need to uber-hype this research?  Why the rush to publish research even if it may not have been ready?

I’ve drawn the conclusion that the primary cause is the need to be PURPOSEFUL while performing scientific research.  For an example, I’ll take the research I currently work on.  I study the aging process in yeast cells, focusing on how the cells’ epigenome changes as a cell gets “older.”  We do this research under a federally-funded grant, for which our purpose is to study the aging process to help us better understand cancer and other age-related diseases.

But, to be honest, I don’t really care about cancer.  I mean, I am someone who is perhaps a bit too comfortable with my mortality, but even beyond that: I actually just think the idea of different proteins and other factors manipulating what sections of DNA are translated and expressed is fascinating.  I want to understand this process better – what proteins do what?  how is this different in different cell types? how did this system evolve? – and this “aging grant” is really just an excuse for me to do so.

I doubt I’m alone here.  I think a lot of scientists are more interested in uncovering the various processes, not for the good of mankind, but simply because we want to understand.  (Correct me if I’m wrong, scientists.)  I’d be happy to cure cancer along the way if I can, but in terms of my own goals and what is possible during my brief stint in this field, I just want to understand this system a little bit better than when I started.

Science wasn’t always done with a purpose.  Think about Charles Darwin.  Sure, he was interested in natural history, but he was on the Beagle to provide friendship to the captain.  Along the way, he collected a bunch of samples of mockingbirds and finches and other organisms, and it wasn’t till decades later that he put the pieces together and formulated his theory of selection of the fittest.  He didn’t collect specimens on his travels for any real purpose, but used the data he collected to draw conclusions later.

Of course, back then science was primarily done by rich men with too much time on their hands.  Now science is the forefront of innovation and progress;  we need more people than bored rich men to be studying it and, hell, anyone should get a chance to do so!  But with greater knowledge and technology, we need more money.  And since I’m not a rich bored man, I don’t have any money.

That’s where the government comes in: grants to fund research.  But since it is taxpayers that are funding this research, it should have goals that will benefit those taxpayers.  Thus I study aging and cancer.  And these grants do keep us on task.  If I find a cool mutation that alters the epigenome of my yeastie beasties and it’s not related to the aging process, I will not be following up on that project.

I go back and forth on whether this is a good thing.  On the one hand, it keeps us accountable to the government and taxpayers, who give us our funding.  But on the other hand, does research for a purpose help us really advance in biology, help us better understand how life works?

One of my bosses, a great scientist, doctor and philosopher king, recently emailed this quote to our lab from Carol Greider, a recent Nobel Prize winner for her work on the discovery of the aging-related enzyme telomerase:

“The quiet beginnings of telomerase research emphasize the importance of basic, curiosity-driven research. At the time that it is conducted, such research has no apparent practical applications. Our understanding of the way the world works is fragmentary and incomplete, which means that progress does not occur in a simple, direct and linear manner. It is important to connect the unconnected, to make leaps and to take risks, and to have fun talking and playing with ideas that might at first seem outlandish.”

This idea burns me to my very core.  Purpose-based science assumes a certain knowledge of the systems we’re studying.  But, let’s face it: we still have so much to learn.  We’re all still flailing toddlers, trying to find a surface to hoist ourselves upon so that we can actually get somewhere.  While scientists are often conceived to be smart and have all the answers, we actually don’t have many.  The more you know, the more you know that you don’t know anything at all.

But instead of being allowed to play, to follow up on work because it’s exciting, to take risks, we have to make sure we stay within the limits of our funding and, thus, our purpose.  Because “playing” or studying something because we think it’s AWESOME doesn’t provide evidence of “progress.”

I could be entirely wrong: maybe the old adage that progress is made in leaps and bounds (as opposed to baby steps, I suppose) is farcical.  Maybe I only believe this because my human soul that thrives on chaos is drawn to it.

Either way: the purpose of research is overemphasized.  When I read papers, I am interested in knowing how their discovery fits into “practical knowledge” (“There is hardly anything known about X disease, BUT WE FOUND SOMETHING!”), but more than that, I’m interested in how it fits in with the current model of whatever system they are studying.  But that rarely gets as much attention in papers.

And this idea of “purpose” is why science in the media is so often overhyped.  News articles often take a definitive stance on how the new study has contributed to the public good.  Maybe it’s “eating blueberries will preserve your memory” or “sleeping 8 hours will make you attractive.”  This makes the science easy to digest, sure, but it also paints an incomplete picture.  These studies are just tiny pieces in a puzzle that scientists will continue to work on for decades.  It’s pure hubris to believe that non-scientists cannot understand the scientific process – that they cannot understand that it takes incremental steps.  But, nonetheless, if your research cannot be easily hyped, no one will hear about it, so you have to serve a purpose.

So with NASA’s arsenic-based life.  The current model, both in funding and the media, of requiring purpose to justify research forced NASA to claim a greater purpose for its discovery: “an astrobiology finding that will impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life.”

To give both NASA and the researchers the benefit of the doubt, let’s just say they found this cool bug and wanted to share the news to get help in studying it, as author Oremland suggested.  They submitted the paper to officially get the word out.  But then they needed to find a “good reason” to have been studying arsenic microbes and NASA decided this was a good opportunity to reinvigorate its reputation of performing “useful science” so called a press conference.  You know where it goes from here.

All that is pure speculation – but it probably isn’t too far from the truth.  Maybe I’m being too kind, but I really doubt that the researchers or NASA had any ill-intentions.  They simply lost control, and the following shitstorm took off.

We can scoff at them all we like: “an astrobiology finding that will impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life, my ass!”  But it’s really not so different from my lab publishing a paper with the headline, “KEY FACTOR IN CELL AGING UNCOVERED” when, really, we just discovered a factor, and we don’t even know if it’s key.

The idea of “useful science” also dampens my feelings about science: SCIENCE IS COOL!  Longing to pry up the corners of current knowledge isn’t enough: we can’t just look, but have to reveal a direct outcome.  But if we don’t allow ourselves even to look because of various purpose-based limitations, we could be missing out on something FUCKING AWESOME!

I’m just rambling now – and am very interested in hearing your thoughts on this.

  • Does purpose-driven science lead to better science or more innovation?

  • Are there ways of judging research as worthy (e.g. for funding purposes) without having to provide a direct purpose?

  • How should the media change its model for covering stories?  Should every study that comes out get attention, or should we wait for more details and provide more review-like coverage?

  • Would larger, field-based studies dampen competition?  Would this help or hurt scientific progress?

Etc. etc.  If you made it this far, thank you, xox, Hannah.

Reference research: research Dr. and computer research and shopping research and recent update


Genuine buyers will hire you.

I am a veteran. I was in the U.S. Army for three years, and, during that time, served in the Vietnam War. Also, I have a couple of long-standing illnesses. Nothing is currently threatening my life but I do have medical considerations. Both of these situations have put me in the position to participate in research projects. Should a person participate in a research project?

Are there results that make participating in a study worthwhile; yes! The VA alone has developed artificial limbs for amputees; invented the cardiac pacemaker; performed the first successful liver transplant and developed the nicotine patch to name just a few accomplishments. ((DVA ORCA 1B 10-54 page 3)

A research study is a study about a certain medical condition, or procedure, or effect of medication. It may be one of many different approaches to solving a problem that affects human beings.

People participate in studies to find cures for illnesses; to find better care; and, to battle an illness in which a person may have a particular interest, or indeed, may suffer from.

When considering whether or not to participate in any particular study, it is necessary to know that there may or may be direct benefits to you. There may be a benefit regarding a medical condition you may have, or, in some cases, you may be paid to volunteer. However, hand in hand with that, there may be risks and side effects when participating is a study.

There are many, many questions that a person should ask before participating in a study. Just a few are; "Who is doing the study and why?" "What tests and procedures will be done?" "What can happen to me good and bad if I participate?" "Will I be paid anything?" "Will I be told the results of this study?" "Is it possible I will receive a placebo?" "What happens if my condition gets worse?" (DVA ORCA 1B 10-54 page 11) These are just some of the questions that it makes sense to ask.

You should always make sure that there is comprehensive attention given to "Informed Consent", which is a point where you, as the participant, are given complete information about the study so that you can make an intelligent decision as to whether or not you should participate.

Finally, it is important to know who may see the results. Typically, the results will only be seen by researchers as part of the study. However, I have learned, especially in studies where you are paid, that the results may be sold; it is important that you know too whom the information might be given or sold.

Research studies are most important to mankind. We learn about diseases and quality of life. Further, you never know when a project you participate in may help you or someone in your family. However, as noble as this cause is, it is always important to be diligent in your research about the research.

Reference research: beauty research and law research and sport research and recent update


research triangle park

The Seattle Biomedical Research Institute is doing research on malaria vaccines. They are wanting to find out if the vaccines work. Since they do not know if the vaccines work, they are looking for volunteers who will try the vaccines and then hold a cup of mosquitoes that are infected with the most deadly form of malaria to their arm so they are bitten. This study is a continuation of a study that start at Walter Reed Army Institute of Maryland is is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Since people are being asked to be infected with malaria, this brings up all kinds of ethical questions. First of all, would these people get seriously ill and even die? According to the researchers this would not happen and people would only have flu like symptoms for about a single day.

However, while the researchers may be able to try to control the mosquitoes to the best of their abilities, it is uncertain that these people may not have some type of allergic reaction or end up getting some type of disease or other infection from the mosquitoes.

Also, would malaria spread if these people are out in the community? Researchers say that the malaria will not get to a point where it is infectious from person to person. Most likely this is true since they know the research that has already been happening.

Of course, the volunteers are given $2,000 for participating. The researchers have said that this is mainly compensation for missing work or replacing funds used to get to the site and any other costs volunteers may incur.

While this sounds a little bit on the dangerous sides, there are benefits as a whole. People really do care about others in third world country who are often infected with malaria and do not survive because vaccines do not exist and they cannot afford the medication. Thus, people who want to make sure that vaccines will be available to these people may have an urge to volunteer for this program.

While I like the idea of getting vaccines to people in third world countries, no amount of money would make me go get a vaccine that may or may not work and be infected with a possibly deadly disease. While I know that only flu like symptoms should occur, I would be scared that something would go wrong.

I want to live my life and not be willingly infected with a disease. I would be scared that I'd have something in my body or have some type of reaction either to the vaccine or to the disease that would end my life suddenly.

While I know that I can't control the length of my own life, I can try to take care of myself so I have a good life. I want to be able to spend time with my friends, my family, and my dog. If anything were to happen because of this, the money, no matter how much of an amount, would not do me any good. While it could help my family, it would not ease the pain of the loss.

I'd rather earn my money honestly than making myself into a medical guinea pig.

Reference research: beauty research and health research and general research and my bookmark page

Pm Forum

research methods and statistics

I am a veteran. I was in the U.S. Army for three years, and, during that time, served in the Vietnam War. Also, I have a couple of long-standing illnesses. Nothing is currently threatening my life but I do have medical considerations. Both of these situations have put me in the position to participate in research projects. Should a person participate in a research project?

Are there results that make participating in a study worthwhile; yes! The VA alone has developed artificial limbs for amputees; invented the cardiac pacemaker; performed the first successful liver transplant and developed the nicotine patch to name just a few accomplishments. ((DVA ORCA 1B 10-54 page 3)

A research study is a study about a certain medical condition, or procedure, or effect of medication. It may be one of many different approaches to solving a problem that affects human beings.

People participate in studies to find cures for illnesses; to find better care; and, to battle an illness in which a person may have a particular interest, or indeed, may suffer from.

When considering whether or not to participate in any particular study, it is necessary to know that there may or may be direct benefits to you. There may be a benefit regarding a medical condition you may have, or, in some cases, you may be paid to volunteer. However, hand in hand with that, there may be risks and side effects when participating is a study.

There are many, many questions that a person should ask before participating in a study. Just a few are; "Who is doing the study and why?" "What tests and procedures will be done?" "What can happen to me good and bad if I participate?" "Will I be paid anything?" "Will I be told the results of this study?" "Is it possible I will receive a placebo?" "What happens if my condition gets worse?" (DVA ORCA 1B 10-54 page 11) These are just some of the questions that it makes sense to ask.

You should always make sure that there is comprehensive attention given to "Informed Consent", which is a point where you, as the participant, are given complete information about the study so that you can make an intelligent decision as to whether or not you should participate.

Finally, it is important to know who may see the results. Typically, the results will only be seen by researchers as part of the study. However, I have learned, especially in studies where you are paid, that the results may be sold; it is important that you know too whom the information might be given or sold.

Research studies are most important to mankind. We learn about diseases and quality of life. Further, you never know when a project you participate in may help you or someone in your family. However, as noble as this cause is, it is always important to be diligent in your research about the research.

Reference research: beauty research and home research and travel research and recent update

social bookmark

Learning is a journey..

extreme sports and blogging by Will Lion

Wordpress, as you may already know, is a wonderful, free-to-use blogging platform. It seems that most bloggers and webmasters these days are moving to Wordpress, evident by Wordpress' ever growing popularity. Wordpress is easy to install, user friendly, and comes loaded with lots of free tools, templates and plugins.

If you don't want to bother with web hosting, buying a domain name, etc... you can simply create a free account at, and start blogging away. However, if you're serious about starting your own blog and monetizing it, you should definitely install Wordpress on your own server; which is exactly what I will teach you to do in this article.

There are basically two ways to install Wordpress on your own server; the easy way, and the slightly harder way. It really just depends on the web host you sign up with and/or your own personal preferences. Before I get into the tutorial, though, I would like to talk about the benefits on installing Wordpress on your own server.

Ability to Monetize Your Blog: If you sign up for a free account with, you will be able to start blogging immediately without any fuss, but you will also lose out on the opportunity to monetize your blog. At this present time, does not allow any ads to be placed on their (your) blogs. This basically means that there's no way for you to earn money from your free blog.

If you want to sell ad space or have affiliate links on your Wordpress blog/website, you have to sign up with a web hosting company and host it on your own domain.

Play by Your Own Rules: reserves the right to delete your blog at any time for any reason. Although this is highly unlikely to occur, it's still scary to think that someone else gets to decide if your blog stays up or goes down. For example, stipulates that all blogs must contain original content, so if you were planning on starting an RSS aggregation blog (a scraper site), you're out of luck. When you have your own hosting and domain, you're in control and you get to play by your rules.

Ability to Sell Your Domain: Internet investors want to buy TLD's (Top Level Domains). They don't want to buy "," they want to buy "" You might have the most popular blog on, but you're going to have a hard time selling it if you ever want to.

So, now that I've gone over the benefits of installing Wordpress on your own server, lets get started with the tutorial.

The Easy Way

Step 1. Find a web hosting company that provides you with cPanel and an automated script installer, like Simple Scripts or Fantastico. If the host uses DirectAdmin instead of cPanel, that's okay as long as the plan still comes with a script installer.

Step 2. Buy a domain name. If you're having trouble finding an available domain name, I suggest using

Step 3. Login to cPanel and click on Simple Scripts, Fantastico, or whichever script installer has been provided to you. Select Wordpress and the domain that you would like to install it on. Run the installation.

Once the installation has completed, you will be provided with an auto-generated username and password, along with links to your blog's home page and admin panel. You can now login to the Wordpress admin panel and start customizing your blog. It's really that simple.

The Slightly Harder Way

If your web hosting company doesn't provide you with an automated script installer, you will need to manually install Wordpress. This is common if you're using a VPS or dedicated server. It's still very easy, though; hence, "the slightly harder way."

Step 1. Login to your server's control panel, go to your file manager, and create a new directory for your Wordpress installation. You can also install Wordpress on your root directory if you don't want to create a new one.

Step 2. Create a new MySQL database for Wordpress. You can do this using PHPMyAdmin.

Step 3. Go to and download/unzip the latest version of Wordpress.

Step 4. Use a text editor to open and edit the "wp-config.php" file. Change the database name, username and password to the one you just created. If you need a free text editor, I suggest Notepad++ available at

Step 5. Setup an FTP client. I suggest FireFTP for Firefox. It's free and it's really easy to install and use.

Step 6. Use your FTP client to upload the Wordpress files and folders to the desired directory on your server.

Step 7. Run the Wordpress installation script by going to ""

That's it. You're all done.

Once you have finished installing Wordpress on your own server, I suggest visiting and checking out all of the free templates and plugins available for Wordpress. Have fun!

Source article: Writing Journals and free blogging and free blog and News Blog and Online Blogger
Blog Skins

research notebook

July 24, 2006: In May 2006, the American Diabetes Association publicly urged the United States Senate to lift restrictions on stem cell research, and to pass the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005. It had been stalled in the Senate for over a year, despite strong bi-partisan support.

The bill is no longer stalled. This past Tuesday, the bill was passed by a 67-37 vote, again, with strong support from both parties. The next day, President George W. Bush vetoed the bill.

In the first ever veto issued by the President, after 5½ years in office, embryonic stem cell researchers and patients living with myriad diseases and debilitating conditions were disappointed in their quest for better federal funding for research.

Hours after the veto was issued, the House of Representatives convened to hold a vote to override. They fell 51 votes short of the 286 required to override the veto.

Surrounding himself with adopted babies born from frozen embryos, Bush announced his veto of the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act from the East Room of the White House. “These boys and girls are not spare parts,” he said. “They remind us of that is lost when embryos are destroyed in the name of research.”

“This bill would support the taking of innocent human life in the hope of finding medical benefits for others,” said President Bush.

Advocates for the bill ranging from patients and researchers to politicians on both sides of the political fence cried “foul,” Republican California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and former first lady Nancy Reagan among them, both of whom urged the president to reconsider his position.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, the day after the veto, Governor Schwarzenegger authorized $150 million in loans to California’s stem cell agency, a move that quadrupled the amount of money the agency had previously had access to for their embryonic stem cell research.

Nationally, however, the sting has been deeply felt by those invested in embryonic stem cell research and the potential outcomes of better funding for it. “We're just profoundly disappointed with the president's decision,” said pathologist Leo Furcht of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, president of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. “The fact that legitimate prospects are there for treating terrible diseases with these cells makes it very troubling.” (USA Today: July 20, 2006)

In a 2005 survey of 2,200 people conducted by the Genetics and Public Policy Center, 67% of people polled responded that they “approved” or “strongly approved” of embryonic stem cell research, according to USA Today. 

President Bush remained unmoved by public and political support for the issue. “It crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect,” said the President. “So, I vetoed it.”

Reference research: research Dr. and computer research and sport research and my social page

Web Directory Submission Service

research methods for the behavioral sciences

Archibold, Randall. (1999, January). As Parents Sweat, 4th Graders Cram for New Test. New York Times, v148 i51397, p. A1

Bracey, G. W. (1992, February). Predicting school success for at-risk children. Phi Delta Kappan, v73 i6, p. 492.

Phelan, Patricia; Davidson, Ann Locke; Cao, and Hanh Thanh. (1992, May). Speaking up: students’ perspectives on school. Phi Delta Kappan, v73 n9, p.695(9).

The following academic journal resources all utilized effective qualitative research methods. This report will identify and describe the approaches and methods taken in these studies to achieve the qualitative research.

The Research Design Symposium is meeting for the last time. The goal of this meeting will be to consider the value of qualitative research. The methodologies used in the studies above address the needed research concerning the matter of standardized tests and the causal relationship they have with anxiety. The approaches that will be discussed are ethnography, phenomenology, and field research. The methods that will be discussed are participant observation, direct observation, and unstructured interviewing.

The term ethnography comes from the field of anthropology. The purpose of this research approach is to study an entire culture. Typically, when one thinks of culture, we immediately think of ethnicity and perhaps location globally. However, recent studies have broadened this understanding to include “any” group or organization regardless of previously mentioned ideologies. The approach of ethnography is most common with the method of participant observation. However, the study listed above did not utilize this method. In fact, the method that the study used was unstructured interviewing. Unstructured interviewing involves direct interaction. The most important aspect about this method is that it does not possess a formal structured instrument or protocol. The interviewer is very “free” to move the conversation as he/she sees fit. I can understand why this method would be used to address research that involves ethnic difference. Sometimes researchers feel the need to direct the interview so that the participant does not feel manipulated and also so that the participant does not become offended by the interviewers assumptions or questions. Although this method is usually more difficult to interpret the interviewed data (because of its lack of structure), it is the broad undertaking that makes this method appropriate for the study.

The second study that used qualitative research used different approaches and different methods. The approach used was phenomenology. This approach has a long history and can be closely linked to the field of Philosophy. However, the purpose of this approach is to emphasize a focus on the participant’s experiences and interpretations of his/her environment. Additionally, the researcher would use this approach to better understand how the world is seen through the eyes of another person. This approach is to establish a “perception” and how the research supports or changes this perception. The method used in this study was direct observation. The researcher used video cameras to observe the phenomenon. The purpose of this method is to observe certain controlled sampled situations. Also, this method is not as long as other methods, and therefore, it tends to be more focused than other types of observations (participant observations). The researcher in this instance is not taking part in this experiment. His/her entire purpose is to be a ghost. Direct observation attempts to keep a distance so as not to bias the observations. For example, on reality shows currently on television, would the participants act different if they didn’t know that they were being watched by millions of people?
The final study mentioned earlier uses the approach of field research. Field research is very broad. The purpose of this approach is to gather qualitative data. Examples of this type of data include in-depth interviewing, direct observation, and written documentation. The researcher embodies himself/herself into the environment of the research. The researcher relies heavily on field notes and extensive use of coding.

The method used in the final study was direct observation. Oddly enough, field research is closely related to the method of participant observation. Participant observation is considered the most common methods of qualitative research. The most important aspect of effective participant observation is that the researcher must be engulfed in the context. It is almost as if the researcher is “under-cover”. The researcher must plan on spending years gathering data. He/she must also be willing to be wait until he/she is accepted within this culture or environment. The acceptance of the researcher is important for the researcher to observe the natural phenomenon as it happens. The researcher becomes a part of the research. This method is very extensive and thorough. This data may also be interpreted later in the form of a “case study”, which is also a qualitative method not used in the three studies presented.

Reference research: research Dr. and home research and shopping research and recent update

Today Speak Webboard

research notebook

Few people would climb a mountain blindfolded. Yet company executives routinely pursue markets with blinders on-ignorant of market characteristics, the competition, and barriers to entry. Good ideas and good products aren't enough; a variety of factors can prevent first-class concepts from becoming profitable businesses. Opportunities need to be carefully investigated through objective market research. Investing in research can both save a business from making costly mistakes and increase its long-term profitability.

It's a common misconception that only large companies can afford market research. Just the opposite is true; small companies cannot afford not to invest in research. When resources are limited, mistakes are more damaging. Many small businesses fail because their owners don't do their homework-before starting the business and during the first crucial months. By performing a comprehensive market investigation-on their own or by enlisting the services of professional researchers-business owners can avoid pitfalls, increase revenues, and differentiate themselves from their competition.

Types of Market Research

Customer satisfaction is probably the most common form of market research but other kinds of research are equally important. The main categories are:• Competitor analysis - identifies who it is, pinpoints the strengths and weaknesses of other firms in the same market, shows where they are having success, and what they plan to do in the future. The objective is to stay a step ahead by taking advantage of their weaknesses, or at least keep up with them.• Market opportunity assessment - size, growth rate, trends, barriers to entry.• Product analysis - features, price points; determined by talking to potential customers to assess their desires before the product is introduced.

Research can be primary or secondary and quantitative or qualitative. A business needs primary research-which involves direct contact with sources of information-if it is trying to determine very specific, detailed information or is dealing with a technology, product, or service so new that there is a very limited existing body of literature. Customer satisfaction also requires primary research.

Secondary research involves the review of a body of existing literature about a topic. It is most suitable when a company wants a general overview of a broad topic, analyst opinions, and high-level quantitative information of an existing market.

Primary research is usually more expensive than secondary. Costs vary, depending on:• Sample size• How the survey will be administered - by mail, by telephone, online, focus groups• Whether just raw survey results or analysis and recommendations are desired

If resources are limited, a company can do secondary research in-house, provided in-house staff knows what resources are available, where to access the information, and how to interpret it. The Internet makes secondary research much easier and less expensive, because so many agencies have made information available for free. For example, government agencies worldwide furnish a wealth of quantitative information. Company Websites offer much valuable information, such as press releases, annual reports and financial filings, job openings, and product data sheets.

IT analysts and management consulting firms often make a limited number of reports and white papers available for free. Some companies also furnish free white papers, but these seldom are objective assessments.

Syndicated research reports are also available. These reports consist of long-term market forecasts, often segmented by geographical regions or vertical markets. Many businesses rely heavily on quantitative market forecasts to determine whether it makes sense for them to enter a new market or develop a new product. For established markets and products, syndicated research can be quite useful, but in the case of new products or technologies, such reports are less reliable.

Make the Most of Market Research

A business can dramatically improve its chances of getting valid results by clearly defining its objectives. Asking the right questions is crucial-a company should be able to clearly state what it wants to determine. It is not the responsibility of an outside research firm to identify what the client wants from a study. It is the research firm's responsibility to clearly explain its methodology and how it will approach a study.

Additionally, a research request should not be biased in favor of a particular result. Frequently, individuals who commission research have vested interests in a particular outcome. If the results are not to their liking, they try to discredit the study and ignore its results. It is best to have high-level decision-makers who have the best interests of the entire company at heart involved in the research process.

Research should not be based on an untested assumption. For example, a company should not assume there is demand for its new widget and ask a research company to find out how the product should be priced. Before developing the widget, the company should determine if there is a market for it.

Like any other investment, market research should be measured by the return it delivers. Return can be measured both by increased profitability and cost savings derived from not making mistakes. To receive any benefit, a company has to make a commitment to act on the results of a reliable research study. Market research can be a powerful business tool for those companies willing to remove their blindfolds.

Reference research: finance research and home research and general research and my bookmark page

Wordpress Org Box

research and development

When you consider starting a business then you need to do a little bit of research. The research will help you see how successful the business would most likely become. You can also find out the small details within a field regarding a business that we often forget or aren't aware of because the business isn't in operation yet. Here are ten ways to help you research a business opportunity.

1. Talk to experts that you know that are already in the field. You need to speak to people that are already in the type of business that you are interested in. You need to ask them questions. You want to know basically how it works from start to finish and any problems that the person may run into. You want to basically know what it is like on a regular basis to run a business. You need to talk to a few people in order to get a more in depth information. You need to speak to the owners of the business instead of just an employee since the owners does know exactly what goes on from day to day in the business.

2. See how profitable it is. You want to make sure that that the type of business that you want to start will make you enough money. The important thing is to consider if it is worth it depending upon how much time and energy you have to put into it. If the other businesses in the area are struggling to keep their doors open each day then it probably isn't a good idea since those other businesses don't generate enough sales or services rendered.

3. Can your company be better than the competition? You need to ask yourself that question. If every person in town always want to go a certain company for a certain item or even service then you need to become better than the competition. You want your customers to think that your company is better than your competition even with excellent customer service and cheap prices.

4. Does the type of business that you are interested in starting require a lot of funding in the beginning? Some companies are cheaper than others to start in the beginning. You need to figure out if you will have enough money for advertising and all the other expenses. You want to have enough money saved in the bank for your personal use too besides money for business. It is important to able to support yourself for basic living expenses along with being able to have enough money for your business too.

5. Will you be able to generate enough sales? Is their enough people in the city or town to offer services or items to the customers? You need to think about it. If your competition doesn't have a website then make sure that you have a business website. You always want to offer the next best thing or something else that they don't offer. If your competition doesn't offer credit accounts then you probably should offer credit accounts to business owners and individuals. You want to be different than your competition. If your competition doesn't advertise on radio then you need to advertise on radio.

You need to go to the city to look all the new companies that have been started recently within the last few years. Make sure to see how many of them ever renewed their business license. Look to see how many companies haven't been successful in the same field that you want to start a business in. You want to see many companies have been successful offering the same type of products or items. The records will give you a general idea of how well your company should succeed.

Reference research: business research and health research and travel research and recent update

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Las Vegas Aladdin Hotel : Las Vegas Hotels Packages That Make You an Instant Winner

Find the best prices for hotels in Las Vegas packages much easier than many might think. Breaks at discounted prices in the city since around you, just know where to look. To find hotels in Las Vegas that are up to your standards simply do homework.All of us have seen in, Las Vegas Aladdin Hotel
, films and television shows in Las Vegas there are plenty of luxury suites. Some of these facilities are very luxurious and may include villas and penthouses, which are certainly very expensive. This is usually where the big boys business, great actors, celebrities and the rich, when staying in accommodation Vegas.

Luxury can be booked at very good price. Many hotel packages to Las Vegas is pretty cheap. And I mean the smart money. If you really need to save to stay in motels that Las Vegas a lot. You just need to know is not a luxury, in places stay.Many visitors to Las Vegas choose to stay in the heart of what is known as the Fremont Street. Here in Las Vegas, which was established in 50-ies of how Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. Fremont, Las Vegas Aladdin Hotel
, Street has been completely renovated and is now a canopy that covers the entire length of the road.

In fact, includes the streets and the roof itself is a great display of lights and images that are pretty amazing package see.Many mixture Hotel in Las Vegas, an entertainment room. There are different types of entertainment that can be anything from Blue Man Group, to see Cirque Du Soleil. There are many shows that are smaller and less well-known artists throughout the strip and downtown Las Vegas.Many, which were built in the Las Vegas Strip in the last 20 years, you take your breath away. Some of these hotels are issues for them, like MGM, Paris, Tropicana, Aladdin, Venetian, Luxor, and others.

These properties are in billions of dollars, which are full of fun, but they are only for windows' s hotel packages in Las Vegas.You need to plan ahead if you wish to take a good deal with a hotel casino. There are agreements that can be found, Las Vegas Aladdin Hotel
, at the last minute, but you take what you get with it and to travel whenever they speak. This can be very interesting to do though.You good discounts can be obtained through future planning, and plans to go to Las Vegas for a week, or perhaps sometimes out of season or in summer.

Another way to get a package discount if you book your hotel with booking. Much time will receive a courtesy or a dinner for the real little deal.To Sweet 'publicity to find special packages for hotels in Las Vegas, go to the Internet. The opening of these proposals will take only a few searches, but you'll be glad you did in the end. You can have a good time to do so.

Las Vegas Hotel: Delhi, India - A Mix of Old and New

As in many cities of India, New Delhi, crowded with people. Delhi is unique, however, as a mixture of old and new. DelhiIf to fly to New Delhi, which inevitably falls in New Delhi. This part of the city is very modern compared to the rest of the country. The road is wide and organized with more than cause chaos. In fact you can walk without feeling like a cow in one ear, which is unique in India. Moreover, New Delhi, simply do not have the charm of ancient, Las Vegas Hotel, India and in other cities.

This is a good place to get a room, but you must invade the city to get a good taste of India. DelhiOld Old Delhi, where the measure, if you really want to experience in India. Mass markets through chaotic streets, roads, large, indicating that blush in Las Vegas and monuments of the past. The best way to see Old Delhi, to catch the auto-rickshaw to Red Fort and then just walked through the bazaars and markets of the old. Hotels try to rent mopeds, but this is not recommended if you're hitting Old Delhi.

Chaos overwhelms and you certainly, Las Vegas Hotel, do not want to take a sacred cow. SeeRegardless things in which the head, Delhi has a wide range of attractions to keep you busy for several weeks. The great pacifist, Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated in New Delhi and visit places in Birla house, and pay their relationship with its black marble tomb. To contemplate this great man, you can follow the visit with a stroll through the garden of Lodi, the world is covered. Delhi is home to the fortress, mosques and palaces galore.

Qutab Minor Complex is a good place to see the architecture of Mughal. Safdarjang Tomb is a poor Mans Taj Mahal with the same basic structure. Red Fort and India Gate are good places to take pictures. When it comes to sports, the cricket-mad India. Children can be seen played everywhere. If you're trying to see specialists, to test the game to the crown of Dunbar. Delhi is without doubt the most comfortable of the big cities of India. This advantage, however, have to pay. We tend to think, Las Vegas Hotel, that we do not see the real India.

Delhi is a good place to visit, but do not forget to look in other parts of India.

Las Vegas Aladdin Hotel : The Top Gambler Destination - Las Vegas

Previously, the angle of the joint marketing of tourism in Las Vegas has been nicknamed "Sin City", Las Vegas Aladdin Hotel
, in 1990 presented as a destination for a family friend, and then began to mature with his new motto: "What happens here, stay here. " City of advertisers want to attract people from around the world in their adult site, full of endless gambling, alcohol, food and entertainment. This kind of magical place that can meet all the requirements and satisfy all fantasy.

Las Vegas is a feast for the eyes, despite all the neon lights. Skyline impressed with all the lights and massive shapes competing for attention. All hotels in combat early next year, with its theme, the introduction of documents, casino allegro, restaurants and entertainment. Las Vegas is not a bone body.Hotels bored, in general, what distinguishes the city of Las Vegas, because the items are so unique and very original. Are really incredible to see. Only the cult in other cities, like New York, Venice and Paris, to recreate smaller versions of them.

New York, New York, the reconstruction of streets sparkling Hotel Gotham. Hotel Experience Paris with a full copy of the Eiffel Tower. Venice hotel has a huge indoor canal with gondolas and gondoliers.There are a tribute to other issues, including Hollywood (MGM Grand), an ancient Roman palace (Caesar), Arabian Nights (Aladdin), pirates (Treasure Island) and others. However, there are good hotels, with no particular problems, such as two of the best hotels with casinos in Las Vegas, Bellagio and Wynn Las Vegas Hotel, but we offer luxurious accommodation and Entertainment Design luxury.

Vegas always with great Rat Pack Half of the 20th century and now Celine Dion. Magicians Siegfried and Roy, to entertain the crowd with their incredible illusions. Comedy, Danny Gans and Carrot Top perform regularly in Las Vegas and very popular with sight gags and quirky accessories. Vegas veteran artists such as Tony Orlando and Wayne Newton, still full houses night after night with his favorite music favorites.Two selection of most favorite, Las Vegas Aladdin Hotel
, past times in Las Vegas shopping and restaurants.

Most shops in hotels on the big screen in their lobby. And when the hunger, there is no shortage of fabulous food in Las Vegas. Las Vegas is no longer the city of $ 3.99 all-you-can-eat-buffets.But clearly the most important reason for visiting Las Vegas is a casino. There is a place for every budget, from nickel slots for the, Las Vegas Aladdin Hotel
, rooms booked for the opening of bids of more than $ 1000. games like Blackjack, Craps, Baccarat and attract millions of people every year groped luck at the tables, accompanied by attractive waitresses, handing out free drinks abundantly.

Amateur players visiting Las Vegas to recommend how much money to play before, and the remaining from the perimeter . In the end, Las Vegas is a destination for holiday fun and conventions, namely, that the proposal for the visitors, as they are, in practice some self-control in this area.

Aladdin Las Vegas Hotel - in your holiday

Las Vegas is all illusion and transformation. While on the runway, and then go through the palm trees and tropical gardens, keep in mind that this is the result of an extraordinarily creative landscape. It was not so long ago that this area was nothing but sand and cactus. Stark, barren desert, has provided a blank canvas for each of the first Spanish explorers, Howard Hughes, whose vision has helped to Las Vegas, what it is today. For many years, Las Vegas has seen a lot of changes, and most of these changes were significant.

Summerlin planned community of 22,500 acres, mega-hotels in the Gaza Strip. If a project developer Vegas, often begins a betting guide for future development, and each of them bigger and better than before. This is particularly dramatic when the new hotels are under construction. Repair existing ones are rare, and in many cases, the old must be reduced in order to replace the new ones. The most common method is the destruction, Aladdin Las Vegas Hotel, of the collapse. To connect a few hundred pounds of explosives, a small exhibition of the stadium, and after a few seconds, no more Hotel.

h some of the known characteristics of accidents in Las Vegas over the years: October 27, 1993 - Dunes Hotel: Complete with a Sultan impressive 35 foot fiberglass roof, the dunes back to May 23, 1955 The theme of the deserted hotel got great names of artists like Frank Sinatra, and was the first, Aladdin Las Vegas Hotel, club to offer a magazine Minsk topless Follies. Since the Japanese have a millionaire in 1987 to 155 million U.S. dollars, Steve Wynn grabbed a cool $ 75 million in 1993 and after the outbreak, using the property for the development of what is now known as the "Bellagio .

26. November 1996 - Sands: Open December 15, 1952, was the site of the original cast film Oceans 11 The Rat Pack Sands had several owners, but was added during the reign of Howard Hughes, the famous 500 round tower room. Venetian Hotel is impressive now replaced Sands.Dec. 31, 1996 - Hacienda: despite its proximity to McCarran International Airport Hacienda a difficult start and could never compete with bigger places. He started as a modest 240 hotel rooms, and then expanded to 1,140 rooms, but remained closed for several years due to problems with obtaining licenses games.

Hacienda screaming for the New Year 1997 and was replaced by the Mandalay Bay. His famous neon horse and rider, lives at the intersection of Fremont Street, Las Vegas Boulevard. April 27, 1998 - Aladdin: the ATA, and then the King of Corona, Aladdin was purchased, Aladdin Las Vegas Hotel, and completely renovated for $ 3 million by Milton Prell. Perhaps his greatest claim to fame has been maintained at the wedding of Elvis Presley and Priscilla. According to the owner suffered a stroke rebound in 1972, sold the hotel for $ 5 million.

The new owners have considered Aladdin, amounting to 60 million U.S. dollars, with the addition of 19-storey tower. Opened after the collapse in 1998, the new and improved Aladdin 1.4 billion dollars, but also changed the owner and is now called Planet